Sunday, March 1, 2009

Week of Prayer/Managaha

Dear Judith,

Last week was the week of prayer on both campuses here at Saipan SDA. Our school was blessed to have a great speaker, one Jerry Duane Nickell.

I was so lucky to have my daddy come to visit me, and my mom "surprised" me too. It was such a fun week, and it was great to hang out with them. Here's some of the highlights:

Sunday morning, we went to Java Joe's for breakfast. Then we went on the island tour with Amy, Michi, Kei, Kei's girlfriend, and Kono. My mom asked me if she should wear sunscreen. I told her that I'd never really burned here, so there probably wasn't much need. I guess I should've knocked on wood, because I got so red! Of course, neither of my parents burned.

Wednesday night, we picked up Michi and Kei, and took a big group down to Bobby Cadillac's. It was so much fun to just relax with everyone. Then, we went to PIC and it was freezing! It took not a small amount of coercion to get my mom into the water, but I think she had fun when it was all said and done.

Throughout the week, my dad did some great talks and made many positive connections with the kids. By the end of the week, he had adopted both Michi and Kei, and I think he would've taken them all if he could've.

Friday morning, we headed out to Managaha for outdoor school. I barely had any of my kids come, but it was so much fun to hang out with the older kids. I was on the teambuilding and games committee (same as you!) and we had some great times. We did a junk scramble and I was in charge of a spiderweb activity.

Saturday night--ahh, Capture the Flag. I almost didn't play because I cut my foot on Friday and it got infected but Angie wrapped it up and I'm so glad that I played. I was on Sean's team which was great. We lost the first game, and the second game went for so long that the other team surrendered, but it was good. I was a flag guard and Kono, Antonee, and Kimin definitely kept me on my toes. Still, everyone had a fun time and we have started making plans to play against other private school teachers.

Last night, we all went to Coffee Care for Nicole's birthday and reminisced on how we all ended up in Saipan. I really have you to thank for my coming. I love Saipan and I can't imagine leaving.

We took my parents to the airport this morning at 3 o'clock. It's sad, but I'll be home again in 3 months. I can't believe how quickly this year has flown by, but I feel so blessed to be here and a part of this awesome team.

I miss you and love you Jude!!!

1 comment:

Sean said...

WE are the lucky ones, James. Lucky to have you!